I have K04 which need change or rebuild. Which turbocharger you can recommend? I do not need new, but in good condition. Do you know SSGARAGE.pl turbo? I have 305ps and 460Nm.
I have K04 which need change or rebuild. Which turbocharger you can recommend? I do not need new, but in good condition. Do you know SSGARAGE.pl turbo? I have 305ps and 460Nm.
Ladermanufaktur Upgrade Turbocharger
* new 2079,-
* rebuild your core 1099,-
Turbozentrum Berlin
Note that these Turbohargers are not completely Plug & Play, an optimization of your ECU is necessary, but are the best Turbocharger you can get at the moment.
scy ladermanufaktur wants 420€ for rebuild OEM k04... It takes around3days..
Mira Sobotka if you want more Infos i can ask a friend, He lives in their area and has a rebuild k04 in his mps
but i think in poland are many good company's for turbo rebuild... just Google and read what the customers write