Have two or more keys (key 1, key 2) ready for registration.
2. Using key 1, turn the ignition switch to the ON position.
Note • When replacing only the PCM: The security light illuminates for 3 s and then goes out. • When replacing the instrument cluster: Although the security light flashes and DTC 15 is displayed, this does not indicate an improper procedure. Continue to perform the procedure as indicated. 3. Connect the WDS or equivalent to the DLC-2.
4. Select "Body/Security/PATS function" from the WDS or equivalent screen menu.
5. Perform security access as indicated on the WDS or equivalent screen. (See No.6 Security Access Procedure.)
6. Select "Parameter Reset" from the WDS or equivalent screen menu.
7. Perform security access again as indicated on the WDS or equivalent screen. (See No.6 Security Access Procedure.)
8. Select the replaced part as indicated on the WDS or equivalent screen.
• When replacing only the PCM: Select "PCM". • When replacing only the instrument cluster: Select "HEC". Note • At this time, do not select any other parts from the WDS or equivalent screen menu. 9. Perform the tasks according to the WDS or equivalent screen.