He is a great guy.. still he thinks the turbo is also gone sad enough ahah
Beiträge von Jeffry
I already did a smoke test and a boost leak test and no result. I got ahold of Fuchs enginering. A german tuner. He told me there is a bit of a clean up in ignition and timing and something with the AFR was not correct. He sees there is like a restrictor in the tune that may causes the slow spool and slow boost. He is adding boost and i got more boost. In the negative boost it spools up REALLY fast!! like 1 tap on the gas and im boosting. Above the that it seems its still a bit struggling... to be continued
alright he didnt want to take the risk to see if it fails cause the turbo is just acting weird so need to replace the turbo....
He also sended video's and pictures for any shaft play or cracks and nothing appeared
I have pictures from when i bought it... it doesnt have any cracks...
lukas227. Oktober 2022 um 10:28 -
BNR wastegate flap issues didnt appear on the s1. ONly had it on the S3. The turbo is used by another user here but he didnt had any issues. Then removed it... so would be weird the turbo got any issues right...
Also did a boost leak test so only 2 options are faulty turbo or faulty tune i guess....
Hi Felix,
I checked the BCS. Connected a knock audio to hear if it clicks when i hit boost. It does so that is working. Monday i did a boost leak test en didnt hear anything. A smoke test was also done which came to no leaks at all. Wired AFR? I Disconnected the stock maf and there is a corksport housing on it for the maf if that is what u mean.
I hooked up my connector: 1 TIP 2 Actuator 3 Boost source. I comfirmed this with Freektune.
lm having a problem with spooling the turbo and hitting the boost. Turbo is spooling very slow for a K04 look a like. 10 psi @ 4K RPM. Peak boost for now at 16,3 psi. Some say the BCS is connected wrong... some say the turbo is gone bad.. boost leaks wrong tune and go on....
l dont believe the turbo is bad. I bought it from a forum member here and he had the turbo working correctly. I did a smoke test without any results and everything was closed. Tightened down the actuator rod for more preload but dont notice any difference. The bcs is hooked up correctly. UK tuner says my turbo is bad and American tuner says the tune is bad...
Hi Can u send me a message @lukas?
Hallo! . Ich bin ansprechbar auf Instagram: Static6mps or here. Meinde Deutsch ist nich zo gut. :heilige: Also eine Upgrade intercooler!
Hi!. You can contact me on Instagram: Static6mps or here. My deutsch isnt that good sorry. Also im looking for a upgraded intercooler.
Heb je toevallig het reserve wiel + krik wat in de kofferbak hoort? Die van mij zaten er helaas niet bij met de aankoop
Groetjes Jeffry